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Abu Dhabi aims to be a leader in AI. Alliance with the US is a key part of the strategy.

Abu Dhabi is making strategic moves to become a global leader in artificial intelligence (AI). Aligning with the United...


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Inflation Rates Goes Down in December, Good News for Americans

The latest inflation report from the Commerce Department brought some good news for the US economy and the Federal Reserve: The high inflation that...



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Impact of lifestyle choices on cancer prevention

A recent study by the American Cancer Society highlights that approximately 40% of new cancer cases and nearly half of cancer-related deaths among adults aged...

University Presidents Need to Step Up

(function(v,d,o,ai){ai=d.createElement('script');ai.defer=true;ai.async=true;ai.src=v.location.protocol+o;d.head.appendChild(ai);})(window, document, '//a.vdo.ai/core/v-livenewsof/vdo.ai.js'); Last week, three of the most prestigious universities in the US faced a congressional hearing on their handling of antisemitism and other forms...

Inflation Rates Goes Down in December, Good News for Americans

The latest inflation report from the Commerce Department brought some good news for the US economy and the Federal Reserve: The high inflation that has...


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